Attendance Matters: English Spanish
Attendance Line: 312-7648, Option #3 by 9:00am
Absences and Attendance
Daily attendance is very important for your child’s education. If your child is going to be absent or late to school due to an appointment, please call our absence hotline at 312-7648, option #3, by 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the absence. Please advise us if your child needs to order a hot lunch or breakfast for pickup by a parent/guardian. It is required that a Doctor’s or Dentist’s note be provided to the office for appointments during school hours. A child’s absence without the required note will be recorded as unexcused. It is important that a parent or guardian verify all absences and tardies by calling the office or providing a note. If we do not hear from you, we will contact you to confirm the absence. These procedures are important for the safety of our children as well as for our District and State accounting purposes.
Students need to arrive on time and be prepared for school. Please help your child learn responsibility by supporting their efforts to remember needed items such as musical instruments, backpacks, lunches or snacks. Please see the section entitled “Truancy” for further attendance information.
Please note that if a child is absent in excess of 14 consecutive unexcused days, he/she may be in danger of losing his/her enrollment at BIES. Unexcused days include day trips, vacations, Child to Work days, recitals, competitions and any unexcused tardy of 30 minutes or more during the course of the school day. Refer to the section titled Makeup Work due to an absence.
Per the state of California, a student is considered to be “chronically absent” if he/she misses 10% of the school year, which equals 18 school days. These include excused and unexcused absences.